

Any student willing to pursue any Course at BCOHS must undergo a number of criteria put forward
by the College Admissions Board. The following are current essential requirements for a student to be fully

  1. Any new student willing to join BCOHS ought to possess an original Secondary School
    Leaving Certificate (SSLC).
  2. An amount of registration fee must be paid for the admission form (Currently is 10 USD).
  3. The admission office will then set a deadline for the application forms to be brought into the office
    right after filling.
  4. The copy of the SSLC must be attached alongside admission form.
  5. The admission office will then issue a complete list of qualified students who applied for the
    admission on the College notice board and website.
  6. The College will hold a preliminary test for the issued list of students by the admission office.
  7. The result of the preliminary test shall then be announced soon and only those students who
    maintain satisfactory marks will be taken as eligible students.
  8. College identity cards will be issued for registered students after the clearing of payments and
    Tuition fees.
  9. An orientation session will then be held for the newly admitted students by the College.
    After the completion of midterm examination, new students shall not be allowed to join the class.


The BCOHS Disciplinary Council is mandated by the College Board to foster and evaluate professional behavioral development for all students in their respective programs. The College also bears a responsibility to the community at large to produce fully trained professional workers who consciously exhibit the knowledge, values, and skills of the profession. The values of the profession are codified in the BCOHS Code of Conduct. Given this context, all students undertaking programs at the College are expected to exhibit the following ethical standards of behavior.

Accountability: Attend class, arrive on time, and return from break in a timely manner.

  • Participate in group activities and assignments at a comparable level to peers.
  • Complete work in a timely fashion and according to directions provided.
  • Come to class prepared, with readings and other homework completed.

Respect: Treat all your peers, your instructors and all those you come in contact with, with dignity and respect at all times.

  • Listen while others are speaking.
  • Give feedback to peers in a constructive manner.
  • Approach conflict with peers or instructors in a cooperative manner.    Use positive and nonjudgmental language.
  • Confidentiality:  Treat any personal information that you hear about a peer or an instructor as strictly confidential.
  • Maintain any information shared in class, dyads or smaller groups within that unit.
  • Use judgment in self-disclosing information of a very personal nature in the classroom.
    (Class time should not be used as therapy or treatment.  If students feel the need to talk
    about issues they are struggling with, they many consult with their instructor to receive a
    referral for counseling.)
  • Never use names of clients or disclose other identifying information in the classroom.
  1. Competence: Apply  yourself  to  all  your  academic  pursuits  with  seriousness  and
    conscientiousness, meeting all deadlines as given by your instructors.  Constantly strive to
    improve your abilities.
  • Come to class with books, handouts, syllabus, and pens
  • Seek out appropriate support when having difficulties to ensure success in completing
    course requirements.
  • Take responsibility for the quality of completed tests and assignment.
  • Strive to work toward greater awareness of personal issues that may impede your
    effectiveness with clients.
  1. Integrity: Practice honesty with yourself, your peers, and your instructors. Constantly
    strive to improve your abilities.


College education is designed to help students prepare for professional practice. In order to model ethically
appropriate practice, please treat coming to classes as you would treat working at an agency.  Given the
Council on Higher Education’s requirements for professional behavior, attendance for all classes is
required. More than one unexcused absence, excessive tardiness, or patterns of leaving early may result in
a reduction of the final grade.  Students may be asked to present a written excuse from a healthcare
provider for excused absences due to illness or other documentation for other circumstances. Since
participating in class is an integral part of higher education, it is vital that the student be in class; therefore,
even with excused absences, the student may be required to withdraw or retake the class. If a student
misses more than 2 classes – whether or not there is a documented, excused absence – the student may
receive a substantial decrease in the final grade.


The College prohibits the use of computers, audio recording, or video recording devices during instructional activities in classrooms, laboratories, and library without the expressed written consent of the instructor. This prohibition does not apply to specific accommodations approved by the Registrars’ Office for Students with Disabilities. When the instructor’s consent is given, the materials produced are for personal use only and are not for distribution or sale in any fashion.